Se me perguntarem das artes do mundo escolho a de ver cometas. Herberto Helder
Herberto Helder
Erase my picture from your blog please.
Please erase my picture from your blog.
Ok, ok. I didn't mean to misuse your photo. I am a friend of A. and found your pictures so nice, I posted one here - with the due credits. Anyway, if you want, I'll remove them.
Erase my picture and all my data from your profile as soon as you can.
I absolutely do not know who you are and I do not want to know you.
I am a very good friend of Annika.But ok, I will erase the photos.
could you please erase my picture from your blog before monday?
Ok, già fatto. Peccato, che era una foto bellissima. Auguri!
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8 comentários:
Erase my picture from your blog please.
Please erase my picture from your blog.
Ok, ok. I didn't mean to misuse your photo. I am a friend of A. and found your pictures so nice, I posted one here - with the due credits. Anyway, if you want, I'll remove them.
Erase my picture and all my data from your profile as soon as you can.
I absolutely do not know who you are and I do not want to know you.
I am a very good friend of Annika.
But ok, I will erase the photos.
could you please erase my picture from your blog before monday?
Ok, già fatto. Peccato, che era una foto bellissima. Auguri!
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