segunda-feira, março 05, 2007

Estás a olhar pra onde, ó fufa?!

Chocados com esta frase? É essa a ideia. Este é o primeiro dos slogans de uma campanha contra a homofobia, a decorrer na Polónia neste momento.
A frase do título, em duas versões (a outra termina em "maricas", um termo sempre agradável...), esteve espalhada em posters, de tamanho humano, em toda a Varsóvia, durante uma semana.

(esta ficou precisamente em frente de uma igreja - Greg's photo).
Durante essa semana, gerou-se o espanto e a discussão. As associações LGBT receberam até queixas por causa dos cartazes, por suspeitas de terem sido colocados pelas (múltiplas) forças fascistas e homofóbicas polacas.

What are you staring at, lesbo?
Chocked with this phrase? That's the idea! This is the first slogan of a campaign against homophobia, taking place in Poland right now. The phrase from the title, in two versions (the other ends in "
faggot", also a nice term to hear...) was spread in posters, human size, in the whole Varsaw, for a week.
(This one was hanging in front of a church - Greg's photo).
During that week, astonishment and discussions were constant. LGBT associations even receives complaints, because people suspected the posters were put by (multiple) fascist and homophobic Polish forces.

(Continua... / To be continued...)

2 comentários:

Greg Czarnecki disse...

I don't know what is said, but I have to agree: "O fufa!!"
:-) Thanks so much for your support carla. it means a lot! we need to support everyone, everywhere there are human rights violations. In greg

Carla Luís disse...

Hi Greg!
Thanks! It's my pleasure!!! to be able to help & support you in any way! :)
Two updates on the post:
- credits to you on the photo (shame on me!, had forgotten!);
- english version available - always helpful! :p
